Thursday, February 20, 2014

art, comics, print, lithography, the clash, joe strummer, rockabilly, punk, music
I finally uploaded all of the work I created last semester! I added a bunch of  new pages to organize the work I did into categories (you can check them out at the top). This semester I'm taking a 3D modelling class so I'll be adding a new section to cover that as well. One of my goals this semester is to make regular posts about the work I do in class and to upload one sketch every one or two weeks.

For this post I'd like to talk about some of my favorite work I made last semester.

Joe Strummer
The Leatherboy/Rick Rodell/Milan Radenkovic

The above are two monotypes I did using litho ink and copic markers. The first is a portrait of Joe Strummer of the Clash. I started listening to the Clash when I was nine and they are still my favorite band. The second is a portrait of The Leatherboy a.k.a Rick Rodell a.k.a Milan Radenkovic. He was a garage rock musician during the sixties. He worked with a variety of other garage rock bands such as the Head Shop and High Voltage. He died after a car accident at the age of 29. Here are some of my favorite songs that he either sang or wrote:

Here are links to some of his other songs:
Winter Time
Jersey Thursday
I Feel Love Comin' On--The Head Shop

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